Top 5 DIY Products For Detangling Natural Hair

Woman with natural hair holding hair products to detangle natural hair

Top 5 DIY Products for Detangling Natural Hair

We countdown the top five DIY products that make detangling your natural hair a breeze, no matter how long you have had your protective style.

These DIY hacks are easy to make, cheap and more effective than store bought products. They also have the added bonus of being organic, which is good for natural hair care.

We kick off by discussing the following:-

*Pssst,  have you left your protective styling in for too long? Are keen to try out your own homemade detangler for matted hair?  Check out our Homemade Detangler for Matted Hair.

1. The 5 Essential Detangling Steps

To quickly and painlessly detangle your natural hair, follow these five essential steps to get the most length (and health) out of your hair after a long period of protective styling.

The five essential detangling steps are:-

1.1 Apply a deep conditioning mask the day before undoing your hair.

bowl and pestle to mix conditioning treatment for hair

Applying a deep conditioning mask before you unravel your hair helps to condition it, as well as adds moisture to your hair. This makes it easier to unravel and manipulate, as well as minimises tangles, and knots.

Hack: Leave this hair mask on for at least 30 minutes to get the most out of this treatment.

1.2 Pre-poo your hair

Pre-pooing your hair the night before you undo your protective styling is a simple, but effective hack that smooths your hair, making it easier to handle.

Plus pre-pooing your hair helps make knots easier to pull apart.

Hack: You do not have to not rinse off the oil, but can leave it on your hair for the added slip.

1.3 Use a detangling gel

A detangling gel helps melt away any tangles and knots in your hair. It will also give your hair additional shine, while adding much needed nutrients into your hair.

Gel on a clear surface to show how it is useful for detangling natural hair

Hack: Once your hair is completely undone, apply the detangling gel generously onto your hair. If you have the time, you can leave it in your hair for at least 20 minutes (don’t forget to cover it with a cap). After that, you can use your fingers to smooth out any knots and tangles.

1.4 Use a hair spritz to detangle your hair

Detangling your hair while damp prevents your hair from snagging onto your brush or breaking off due to dryness.

Hack: To properly use the hair spritz, spray it lightly onto your hair and massage it in. Your hair does not need to be soaking wet, and is best manipulated when damp. You can respray the sections that dry out.

1.5 Detangle in sections

Detangling your natural hair in sections makes it easier to work through your hair, and remove any knots and shed hairs.

This also allows you to thoroughly detangle one section of hair before moving to the next, ensuring that you do not skip any sections of hair.

Hack: Depending on how long your hair is, you should section your hair into four, six or eight equal parts and invest in hair clips to hold back your hair, as you work through each section.

2. Top 5 DIY Products for Detangling Natural Hair

2.1 Aloe Vera Gel

The nourishing properties of Aloe Vera gel for natural hair are well known. It also doubles as a great detangler when removing your protective styling.

Aloe Vera leaf to show how to make DIY Aloe Vera Gel for Hair

Find out more on why Aloe Vera Gel for Hair is a gamechanger. 

2.2 Flaxseed Gel

Flaxseed gel is a little known natural hair hack that literally melts away any tangles and knots you may have.

Flaxseed gel on a flat surface

It will also leave your hair with shine and give definition to your curls and coils.

Read on to find out more about using Flaxseed Gel for Hair Growth. 

2.3 Coconut Oil

Coconut oil as a pre-poo has the double benefit of moisturising your strands, as well as giving a healthy shine to your detangled hair.

Coconut split in half with coconut oil in a glass jar

Want to get to grips with what oils are best for moisturising your hair? Get the 411 on Moisturising vs Sealant oils.

2.4 Water & Aloe Vera Juice Spritz

Aloe Vera juice spritz, in addition to making hair easier to detangle, will help balance the PH of your scalp.

Aloe Vera Juice mixed with water to create a hair spritz

This juice is a great staple to have in your natural hair regime.

Catch up on more on the hidden benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Growth

2.5 Molasses, Yoghurt & Olive Oil Mask

Molasses is great for deep conditioning hair and when used consistently, it can also help with thickening hair.

Molasses in a spoon to show benefits for hair growth

In addition to this, it adds moisture in your hair, making it easier to manipulate.

To find out more about this great hair product, read up on our feature on Molasses as a Natural Hair Growth Product

3. Conclusion

Having a consistent detangling regime that actually works is the difference between struggling to get past shoulder length and having healthy hair past your shoulders.

All it takes is blocking out dedicated time to give your hair TLC, follow the 5 essential steps and use the right products – and voila, length.

Have you tried any of these DIY products? Do you incorporate the 5 essential steps in your routine? Sound off in the comments and let us hear all about it.

Until the next time, happy naturaling ladies!


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