Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Growth

Aloe vera leaf showing the benefits of aloe leaf for hair

Aloe Vera Juice for Hair

Aloe vera juice, in addition to its overall health benefits for the skin and body, promotes healthy hair. This cheap and easy DIY fix is a handy product to help introduce moisture into your hair.

DIY Rosewater and DIY Hibiscus water are also good alternative hair spritzs, should you have an allergic reaction to aloe vera juice. 

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

🌺Aloe vera juice helps balance the PH of your scalp, promoting scalp health and minimizing dandruff.

🌺It promotes hair growth by helping to retain moisture, thus making length retention easier.

🌺It strengthens and improves the appearance of hair by penetrating the shaft, sealing, and smoothing the hair cuticles.

Recommended for

  • Itchy scalp, lifeless and dry hair.

Negative effects of Aloe Vera Juice on hair growth

Some naturals experience dryness after using aloe vera juice and it is advisable to add olive oil or a preferred carrier oil to the mixture.

Also, you can tweak your routine and rather use it as a hair rinse, rather than in your daily leave-in treatment.

Preparation time

5 minutes.


  • I/2 part aloe vera juice
  • X2 tablespoon of glycerine
  • X1 part water (preferably distilled water)
  • Optional Essential oil
  • Spray bottle


1. Pour the aloe vera juice into an applicator bottle, add the glycerine and water, then shake to mix.

2. You can add your preferred essential oil such as peppermint or lavender oil.

It is ready for use.


Store the aloe vera juice mixture in the fridge to extend its shelf life.


  1. Overnight Pre-poo treatment: Section your hair into 4 or more parts and then spray the juice into your hair, from roots to tip, before massaging it in thoroughly. Put your sectioned hair into twists. Cover with a shower cap and wash and deep condition the next day.
  2. Daily leave-in treatment: You can use aloe vera juice in your daily LOC or LCO routine to introduce and maintain moisture in your hair. This is particularly important during colder, winter months.
  3. Detangler: It works as a good detangler and you can spray it on your hair generously, and then add your preferred detangling conditioner or DIY gel for added slip.

Have you left your protective style too long and now suffer with matted, tangled hair? Your knots will melt away with our Homemade Detangler for Matted Hair. 

NaHaZo tip

Mix aloe vera juice with ACV on wash day to give your hair that extra shine and lustre.


Make sure that you are not allergic to the aloe plant, as it can cause itchiness and redness in the affected area.

You can do a patch test before using, it to see how your skin reacts to the product.

Have you tried the 3-month aloe vera juice challenge or used the juice on your hair? What has your experience been?


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