DIY Rose Water & Glycerine Hair Spritz
Looking for a natural, effective hair mask to hydrate and soften your hair? This DIY[...]
Perimenopause and Thinning Natural Hair
Hair loss during Perimenopause can be very distressing. This not only puts a damper on[...]
3 Best Oil Sealants for Natural Hair
Choosing the right sealant oil can make a world of difference in your hair journey.[...]
The Maximum Hydration Method Explained
The Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) is a length process that is great for introducing moisture[...]
DIY Shea Butter & Flaxseed Hair Cream
DIY Shea butter and flaxseed hair cream helps maintain hair hydraton, as well as is[...]
Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Growth
Aloe Vera Juice is beneficial for moisturizing hair, as well as minimizing breakage and retaining[...]
DIY Coffee Water for Hair Growth
Coffee can be used as a rinse, leave-in conditioner or as a pre-poo treatment for[...]
Honey for Natural Hair
Honey is a great natural product to use to introduce moisture into your hair, as[...]
Molasses is the Healthy Natural Hair Growth Product
Molasses is a great hair food for hair growth and thickness and is one of[...]
Low Porosity Hair – What is Low Porosity Hair?
When you are a newbie natural or even one who has been natural for a[...]