Looking for a natural, effective hair mask to hydrate and soften your hair? This DIY honey, Yoghurt & Olive Oil hair mask is a must-try. Made with simple ingredients you likely have in your kitchen, it’s easy to apply and provides noticeable results.
Hair loss during Perimenopause can be very distressing. This not only puts a damper on your natural hair journey, but can feel overwhelming when you are juggling life and experiencing all the other premenopausal symptoms.
But fear not, NaHaZo has got you covered.
Choosing the right sealant oil can make a world of difference in your hair journey. We countdown our top 3 sealant oils to ensure hair health.
The Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) is a length process that is great for introducing moisture into your hair. However, while it is a time-consuming process, the results are worth it!
DIY Shea butter and flaxseed hair cream helps maintain hair hydraton, as well as is a useful tool in styling twist-outs and for wash-n-gos.
Aloe Vera Juice is beneficial for moisturizing hair, as well as minimizing breakage and retaining length. When used consistently, aloe vera juice is a game-changer in terms of maximizing hair growth between protective hairstyling.
Coffee can be used as a rinse, leave-in conditioner or as a pre-poo treatment for your natural hair. Not only does it strengthen your hair, but it also helps prevent hair loss and shedding.
Honey is a great natural product to use to introduce moisture into your hair, as well as manage frizz and dryness.
Molasses is a great hair food for hair growth and thickness and is one of the true superfoods that help hair growth.
Withthegoodhair wants you to take It out of your pantry, and use it to positively aid your length retention journey. In time you will see molasses renews your hair health inside and out.
When you are a newbie natural or even one who has been natural for a while, understanding low porosity hair and confidently answering the question ‘what is low porosity hair?’ can sometimes be a hair-raising experience – especially with so much different information on this issue.