Postpartum Hair Loss and Caring for your Hair
Postpartum hair loss during or after pregnancy is a common issue faced by women, as are questions on how to properly care for your hair during this period.
While pregnancy is a beautiful period in a woman’s life and paves the way to bringing life into the world; pregnancy also takes from you. It is not uncommon to suffer hair loss issues after giving birth.
This can be distressing, particularly for new moms or if you previously had thick, luscious hair.
Just remember it is not a life sentence. Promise.
NaHaZo discusses all things pregnancy and hair related, more specifically:-
*Pssst…. Are you struggling with uneven, ragged ends? When faced with Split Ends: to Cut or Not, catch up on our post on how to deal with this hair issue.
1. Why do some women experience hair loss after pregnancy?
Hair has an active growth phase, a transitional phase where follicles shrink, and a resting phase where the hair follicle releases the hair and it falls out.
Post-partum hair loss occurs when pregnancy hormones (more specifically falling estrogen levels) cause your hair to move from the growing phase to the resting phase. This results in losing more hair than usual.
The following is true when it comes to post-partum hair issues:-
- This is normal and women from time immemorial have been able to recover from it.
- It usually starts about 3 months after giving birth and can last from six to eight months after birth.
- Hair loss is TEMPORARY and your hair will revert to its previous glory with TIME.
- Should your hair not revert to its former glory by your child’s first birthday, then you can see a professional as there may be underlying issues.
That being said, don’t worry too much about the condition of your hair. Rather focus on your new addition as well as taking care of yourself, knowing that this too shall pass.
2. What does postpartum hair loss look like?
Post-partum hair loss presents differently for different people.
Some experience hair loss along their edges, giving the appearance of receding hairlines. Others find that their previously thick hair is now fine, with thin stands of hair. In more extreme cases, some naturals simply lose hair in clumps or find that there is excessive shedding when they brush or manipulate their hair.
This condition is very evident and once you notice the difference in your hair, try to avoid the natural reaction to panic or invest in any products that promise quick results.
3. How to manage hair loss after pregnancy?
NaHaZo will start off by stating that there is NO treatment for post-partum shedding. So prioritise your mental health and focus on ensuring that your hair will have all the right nutrients when it enters into the growing phase again.
That being said, there are certain tips that you can incorporate to make the most of this temporary situation and these are:-
Tip one – Hair cut
This is a drastic measure and is dependent on the severity of your hair loss. If you have lost a lot of hair on your edges and your ends are thin and raggedy, then it may be a good idea to do the big chop so that your hair can grow afresh.
During this period, you can rock the TWA or even try protective styles. The great thing about protective styles is that they leave you with time to care for your little one, as well as squeeze in some little time for yourself.
Want to find out all about the Big Chop?
Tip two – Gentle / Low manipulation
This is a good time to limit styling and manipulating your hair and let it be.
But, when you do manipulate it, make sure you are gentle as your hair is prone to shedding during this period. Again, remember that the shedding is temporary and not indicative of your overall hair identity. This will change over time.
Tip three- Protective Style wisely
You will need to be deliberate with the hairstyles that you wear to avoid putting any additional strain on your scalp or edges.
Hairstyles to avoid are thin braids, thick long braids, and weaves that leave a portion of your hair out, hence requiring daily styling. Now would be a good time to invest in good wigs, with your hair cornrowed underneath or even to wear your hair in back-to-back plaits or twists.
Tip four – Practice with volumising hairstyles
Did anyone say flexi rods?
These are great for adding volume to your hair when you want to wear your hair out for a special occasion.
Other volumising styles that you can try are added extensions and buns; these give volume, without having to over-tease your hair.
Also, hair butter like DIY Shea & Flaxseed cream or DIY Moringa Butter helps nourish and improve your hair, giving it the appearance of thicker strands.
Tip five – Eat well
Make sure that you are getting all the nutrients that your body and, eventually your hair, need to be at its best.
While postpartum shedding cannot be prevented, maintaining a healthy diet and drinking lots of fluid can help minimise additional hair loss that you may experience as a result of a poor diet.
Tip six – Accessorize
There is a wide range of hair scarves and fun hair bands that you can purchase and use to give you a stylish edge.
Not only will this save you any time that would have gone into styling your hair, but this will allow you to still feel stylish, without having to manipulate your hair.
Enjoy the Process
Remember to enjoy this process in your life, and still care for your hair (and overall body),!
This phase of your life will pass quickly, so enjoy it instead of beating yourself up by yearning for your former hair glory.
Be proud of yourself for the journey you have taken so far and how blessed you are to be experiencing this part of the journey of motherhood. When you are ready to get back into caring for your hair again, there is a wealth of information on natural hair growth tips for length.
Sound off on the comments and let us know how you are enjoying this part of your hair journey.