Hair Growth: A Natural’s Guide to Optimal Hair Growth in 2025

Woman with thick afro-textued hair with sunflowers in her hair

Can natural hair grow long? Is it possible to get to mid-back length with afro-textured hair? Can naturals maintain long natural afro-textured hair?

The answer to the above questions is a resoundingYES.

Yes, natural hair can grow long. Yes, it is possible to get to mid-back length hair. And yes, you can easily maintain long, natural afro-textured hair.

HOWEVER, in order to be able to do this, you will need to be familiar with the following:-

Read on to find out more and learn helpful tips for natural hair growth – growth tips for length

1. What is the rate of hair growth for afro-textured hair?

The average rate of hair growth is 6 inches a year, which translates to half an inch a month. However, some people’s hair grows faster and others slower than this average.

That being said, there are external and internal factors that may slow down and also increase the rate of hair growth. These will be discussed indepth to shed light on hair growth potential, and how to optimise it for maximum health and length. 

2. What are some of the factors that affect afro-textured naturals realising length?

There are a number of factors  affect afro-textured naturals realising length, and these are:


Poor nutrition affects hair growth, ultimately resulting in hair loss and balding.

To optimse hair potential, make sure you consume foods that fortify and strengthen hair strands. Be vigilant on your health and any deficiencies, as these can stunt your length and health goals. 

Fixing your diet is a huge step in realising your hair length goals.


Stress is a huge contributor to poor hair length retention. 

To maximise your hair goals in 2024, a key step will be dealing with and removing (where possible) the things that cause you stress. It is a good time to practice healthy self-care routines, as well as prioritise your mental health. 

Also, if you are or experiencing personal turmoil, be kind to yourself. First focus on getting and feeling better. Once this is done, then your hair can really begin to sustainably recover.

Vitamin deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies is a huge cause of hair loss and balding. This is especially when it goes untreated for long periods of time.

It is therefore important to make it a part of your lifestyle to check your core nutrient levels. You iron levels need specific attention, especially of you are of african heritage. This is because we are more prone to Iron deficiencies.

Other vitamins to check for deficiency are Vitamin C, D and Zinc levels.


If you are suffering from, recovering or even have an underlying health condition, then illness will likely result in hair loss or thin, brittle hair.

If this is the case, as with your mental health, you will need to focus on getting the issue treated first. Once you get your physical health on track, then you can always resume your hair journey.

Crash diets

Crash diets wreck havoc with hair growth and have been known to cause thinning, brittle hair.

This is mostly due to the fact that depriving your body of esential nutrients, also deprives your hair of the good stuff it needs to flourish.

Some naturals have experienced problems with bald spots and thin, brittle hair after extended periods of intermittent fasting. In this regard, it is important to know that when you crash diet or fast, your hair is likely to suffer.

A healthy, measured approach to eating is essential to see positive results in your hair journey.


Age plays a big role in how your hair looks and it’s ability to retain length. 

Some women experience thinning, brittle hair as they age

While this may well be the case, it does not need to be a life sentence and there are little hacks to get the best out of your hair during this period.

The main thing is to be aware of this phase of your life, and then to tweak your regime, diet and expectations accordingly.


Every woman experiences pregnancy differently, and while some women experience thicker, lusher hair during and after pregnancy, some women experience hair loss and thinning hair.

Depending on the severity of the hair loss, hair usually recovers after a certain period.

This situation is only temporary and this is a great opportunity to nourish and get to know your hair (and baby) better. It is a passing phase, and a good time to anchor some healthy hair habits and routines. 

Want to know all about postpartum hair loss & caring for your hair?

Poor Hair habits

Poor hair habits is one of the leading reasons for inability to retain length. 

These habits range from too much manipulation, protective styling gone wrong, to following the wrong hair regime for your hair needs.

The right hair practices are key for realising health and length of your hair.

A consistent regime tailored for YOUR specific hair needs and supported with healthy diet is likely to yield great results. Anything short of that will not allow you to realise your hair’s maximum potential.

3. Fool proof regime to grow long afro-textured hair?

First and foremost, it is important to mention that there is no fool proof regime to grow afro-textured hair.

This is because life happens and despite the best of intentions, we all experience setbacks, be it stress, fatigue, health or even dietary related.

However, all things considered, you can be able to realise optimal length if you do the following:-

Understand your hair porosity

This is 50% of the issue. You will need to be aware of whether you have low porosity or high porosity hair

Once you understand your hair porosity, you will be able to know how much moisture your hair needs and how you can retain it. This is because keeping your hair properly hydrated will minimise its risk of breakage due to manipulation or dryness. This allows you to retain whatever growth attained during your protective styling. 

Be consistent with the LOC or LCO regime

You will need to be consistent with the LCO or LOC regime, (depending on your preference).

A consistent LOC or LCO regime will need to be undertaken over a long period of time. This is the other 30% determinant for how much length you can retain.

Regular Treatments

Reguar treatments are linked you your hair regime.

It is advisable to incorporate regular protein and moisture treatments to give your hair the best chance at realising optimal length and length.

Again, knowing your hair porosity is key when incorporating hair treatments. This is so that you can incorporate the right number of protein and / or moisture treatments into your regime.

Also, incorprating Clay treatments into your natural hair regime will yield positive results. 

Be deliberate with your diet

Being deliberate with what you eat is good for your hair and goes a long way in ensuring that your hair has all the nutrients it needs to flourish.

Plus, make it a habit to go out in the sun regularly to get your Vitamin D. For those naturals in colder climates you can consider taking supplements to ensure that your body has the right level of vitamin D to function properly.

Protective styling

While there is no one size fits all protective styling to meet your hair needs, it is important to find and stick to what works best for you.

One thing to avoid is keeping a protective style in for too long as, during takedown and detangling, you can compromise any length you had. Also, make sure that you still care for your hair while it is in the protective style.

Be gentle during takedown

It is beneficial to be gentle with your hair during takedown.

A number of naturals lose whatever hair gains they have had during this process. Rather stick to a fool proof routine when manipulating your hair during takedown, such as using alot of slip, pre-pooing the night before and staying away from any combs or brushes. 

Plu, make sure that you have set aside ample time to detangle your hair without rushing.

Properly detangle

This is linked to takedown and you will need to consistently detangle your hair completely,.

This avoids any matting or detangling, which ultimately results in hair loss. A healthy habit to incorporate is to pre-poo your hair the night before. This makes your hair easier to manipulate, which is great for length retention. 

Use the right tools

 Stay away from thin combs or other tools that snag your hair.

Finger detangling is preferable, but if your must use a comb, rather use afro-friendly wide toothed brushes and combs is helpful.

Stretch your hair

As your hair gets longer, it will be important to keep it in a stretched state to avoid matting or tangling.

This is to avoid compromising your length during manipulation, when it is in a shrunken state. 

You can use non-heat methods to stretch your natural hair. Should you use heat, you can do so on the minimum low heat setting.

The Last Word

When all has been said and done, NaHaZo advocates health over length. 

It is, however, possible to have both.

All you need is commitment, flexibility and dedication and you will be well on your way to being on one of those naturals that can boast a full head of long, afro-textured hair.

Have you managed to join this group of growing long-haired naturals?

Sound off on the comments how you have managed to get to and retain your length goals.


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