Five Hacks To Introduce Moisture Into Your Hair

Rain falling on the ground showing moisture needed for hair

Dry natural hair cares!

And it will show you how much. 

This is especially true in winter, when dry hair tends to break and snap at the slightest manipulation, ultimately affecting your hair goals.

However, all is not lost. Following these five dry-proof hacks will allow you to introduce much-needed moisture into your hair.

1. The Maximum Hydration Method

The Maximum Hydration Method is great for  introducing moisture into hair.

Not only does the maximum hydration method add much-needed moisture to your hair, but it also defines your curls and coils. This helps make styling easier. The MHM also increases your hair’s ability to absorb and maintain moisture, which is a win-win situation in the long run, especially in cold months.

This MHM is a five or six-step process.

The hydration process starts by cleansing and then clarifying your hair. This is followed by co-washing your hair. Thereafter, you then use a bentonite clay rinse on your hair. The clay rinse helps restore your hair’s PH, and is also a good hair detanger.

The final step involves coating your hair strands with a leave-in conditioner, and then styling as required. 

The maximum hydration process is an intense one but is well worth the labour. You will, however, need to block out between 2 – 4 hours for this treatment.  It therefore preferable to do it when you have no chores ahead of you.

2. Clay Treatments

Clay treatments are great building blocks for introducing moisture into your hair. This is because they deeply clarify hair strands and help remove toxins, going a  long way in improving the moisture retention of your hair.

Clay treatments can be done alone or as part of the maximum hydration method. It is one of the more effective hacks and a great go-to to ensure that your hair remains well moisturized for long periods.

Some common clay masks that are great for hair are bentonite, rhassoul, and kaolinite.

3. Introduce Heat

Controlled heat and moisture go together like rice and beans. 

So if you want to introduce more moisture into your strands, add heat. What heat does is open up the hair cuticles, allowing moisture to penetrate the strands.

You can add heat by way of bagging. After coating your strand in a deep conditioner or oil rinse, you place a cap over your head for at least 20 – 30 minutes.  Alternatively, you can sit under a dryer under a warm heat or even use a heat cap during your conditioning treatment.

Check out Na Ha Zo’s 50 top natural hair buzz words for 2024. 

The key here, however, is to use controlled heat, and do so in moderation. Make sure, when using the dryer, that you use the warm setting, and do not sit under it for too long, as this will draw out the moisture from your hair.

4. Regular Deep Conditioning Treatments

Regular deep conditioning treatments help introduce moisture into your hair and it is suggested that this be applied at least once a month.

Should you suffer from dry, thinning hair, then doing deep conditioning treatment bi-monthly will help raise the moisture levels in your hair.

The great thing about deep conditioning treatments is that a lot of them are DIY, thus cheap and easy to make. You can even use everyday ingredients like avocado, leftover banana, yogurt, and molasses.

Want to try our DIY Hibiscus & Yogurt Mask or Avocado & Aloe Vera Hair Mask?

5. Know your hair

You cannot treat what you do not know!

To have a hair regime that works for you is to know your hair, how it behaves, what it likes, and how it reacts to certain hair products.

Once you know what your hair likes and does not like, then it is easy to nurture it accordingly.

Top on the list of things to know about your hair is how it handles moisture – that is your hair porosity level.

For example, should you have high porosity hair, then it would be beneficial to introduce regular deep conditioning treatments, and or, the maximum hydration method into your hair regime.

At the end of the day, while all hair benefits from regular moisture, knowing how your hair absorbs and retains moisture will allow you to tweak your regime accordingly.

In a nutshell, incorporating these five hacks into your hair routine will not only increase your hair’s hydration but also its length.

Armed with these hacks, dry hair should be a thing of the past. Sound off on the comments what your experience has been with any of these methods.


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