DIY Chia Seed Gel for Hair

Chia seeds being poured from a spoon onto a counter showing how DIY gel can be made from these seeds.

DIY Chia Seed Hair Gel

Chia seeds have long been celebrated as a nutritional powerhouse, and their benefits extend beyond the kitchen. This ancient ingredient boasts a rich profile of essential nutrients that can nourish, strengthen and protect afro-textured hair.

We highlight how to make this wonder gel, as well as discuss all the ways you can maximize its benefits for healthy, vibrant hair. 

Preparation time

25 minutes


Chia seeds are is rich in zinc, which regulates the formation of new hair follicles – thus helping to combat hair loss. 

It is also packed with nutrients that give hair that healthy shine and elasticity, as well as helps thicken hair naturally.


  • X 1 teaspoon of Chia seeds
  • X1 cup of water
  • Pantyhose


  1. Soak the Chia seeds in a bowl of water for about 15 minutes (or until the seeds have a slimy consistency). Make sure that it does not sit too long as it will set too thick, making straining difficult. 
  2. Pour the mixture into a blender, add equal parts water, and pulse it on low until the mixture is a smooth, creamy feel.
  3. Strain the mixture through a pantyhose, and the gel should have a light, slimy consistency. It is now ready for use.


Store the gel in the fridge and use as and when required (discard after 2 weeks).

The excess gel can be stored in ice cube containers and then frozen in the freezer. To re-use, simply defrost and apply to your hair. 


Chia seed gel can be used in a pre-poo treatment, as a styling gel, and also added to your DIY leave-in conditioner.

NaHaZo tip

If you want to make a big batch for storage, measure one teaspoon of Chia seeds to every cup of water.

Plus, if your hair is protein sensitive, do not leave it on for too long / use with caution as chia is a plant-based protein.

Have you used this gel before? Are you keen to give it a try? Let us know in the comments, what your experience has been. 


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