What you need to know about the 3C Hair Type in 2024
What exactly is 3C hair, and what does one mean when women talk about the profile of 3C hair type? NaturalHairZone.com divulge the secrets of Type 3C hair.
The mainstream hair typing system (Type 1 to Type 4) is one way to know your hair type.
Much has been said (and debated) about this hair typing system, and while Na Ha ZO agrees that it is not 100% accurate, it is a common hair typing system used in the natural hair community to classify hair.
In understanding 3C hair, Na Ha ZO outlines:-
*Pssst, for a comprehensive list of all the natural hair lingo to know when you embark on your exciting Journey, NaturalHairZone.com Natural Hair Glossary can bring you up to speed on the top 50 natural hair buzz words.
So, let’s start with the more pressing question – why is it important to know your hair type?
1. Why should you know your Hair Type?
It is important to mention that NaturalHairZone.com believes that hair typing is not as important as knowing your hair porosity. However, there is no denying that knowing your hair type is advantageous for the following reasons: –
Being able to label and know your hair type is a great shorthand when you want to connect with similar hair types or want to understand your hair better;
Know your Type
Knowing your hair type lets you make informed choices about the products to use and avoid.
Hair Regime
Also, knowing your hair type allows you to create an effective hair regime without trial and error.
Hair Envy
Finally, knowing your hair type will avoid unnecessary hair envy – angst over a hair idol whose hair can maintain a style that yours cannot due to different typing.
Now that we have that out of the way, let us discuss what is meant by this type of hair.
Read our guide on high-porosity hair
2. What exactly is Type 3C hair?
One defining feature of Type 3C hair is curly hair, and these curls range from loose curls (labelled 3A) to ringlets (3B) to tighter curls (Type 3C). All this talk on #C Type Natural Hair, but do you have 4C Hair?
3C hair can be low porosity hair or high porosity hair.
Type 3A Hair
More specifically, 3A hair type has big loose curls shaped down the hair shaft in a definite “S”.
Type 3B Hair
Type 3B hair, on the other hand, does not have curls that are as loosely defined as 3A curls but are usually in tighter corkscrews and ringlets. This hair type is typically dense.
Type 3C Hair
Type 3C hair type has the least curl definition of this hair type, and it is not uncommon for a 3C natural to have a combination of different curls and coils.
In some cases, some 3C naturals may have loose and defined ringlets towards the nape of the hair and tighter curls elsewhere.
Type 3C hair is most common but not exclusive to people with dual black heritage and, like any other hair type, can range from thin to thick.
Celebrities with 3C Hair
Respected celebrities with Type 3C hair are Tracee Ellis Ross, Yaya da Costa, and Meghan Markle.
3. Common characteristics of Type 3C Hair
This hair is a very versatile hair type, and there is so much room for styling, and the glorious mane of curls is usually a head-turner.
However, like all other hair types, type 3C naturals, in a quest to further enhance their curls, often share these common characteristics when looking to put together an effective hair regime or troubleshooting ways to showcase their hair type.
These are: –
Curl Definition
Curl definition and a tendency for frizz: – One of the most common characteristics of this hair, especially as one goes up the spectrum (in some cases varied curl definition), is the fact that despite having a curl pattern, the hair tends to fizz.
Curl Platform
More than one curl pattern: – Another common characteristic of this hair is that with this hair type, there may be more than one curl pattern on the head.
There is usually a looser curl pattern towards the nape of the head and a tighter one towards the forehead, with some naturals having as many as three different patterns.
A tendency for Hair to Tangle
A tendency for hair to tangle: – Due to its curl pattern and the varying hair types (in some cases), this hair type tends to become tangled easily.
Shrinkage: – Type 3C hair, especially Type 3C hair, has a tendency for shrinkage, and this is very versatile in terms of styling options.
Are you a 3C with thinning natural hair?
4. Myth buster: Is Type 3C Good Hair?
Depending on which side of the tracks you are on, a common misconception that is passed around is that Type 3C hair is ‘good hair’.
The truth of the matter is that all healthy, cared for and embraced hair is good hair.
Full stop!
This label is very disempowering as it removes the platform for Type 3C naturals who may want to begin a conversation about how to better care for and enhance their hair.
How to better care for Type 3C Hair
This hair type, just like the other hair types, also deal with questions about how to better care for their hair, tame the frizz, how to thicken hair naturally and maintain styling with shrinkage, etc.
These questions need receptive engagement without the label of ‘good hair’. This open and unbiased attitude will allow all naturals to discuss, engage and learn from one another on natural hair growth.
The Last Word
It is a universal theme for women worldwide to enhance further and enjoy their hair.
Hence the myriad of products promising more bounce, shine, strength, holding curls, loosening curls, taming frizz, improving curls, keeping styles for longer, etc.
The Mainstream Hair Industry
However, how the mainstream hair industry caters for these needs is not universal. For women with curlier hair patterns, knowing your hair type and how it behaves is the first step in getting universal engagement and building knowledge on caring for Type 3C hair.
And in so doing, more naturals can EMBRACE, SET TRENDS and get a community going for Type 3C good hair practices to flourish.
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