What you need to know about Synthetic Wigs

Woman with synthetic wig with hands on chin

What you need to know about Synthetic Wigs?

Every natural worth their strands needs to be clued up on what you need to know about synthetic wigs. This is especially true for those who use wigs as their go-to protective styles. 

We catch up on all things synthetic hair from what exactly it is to what you can do with this wig type. We also discuss how you can get the most out of your synthetic wig. 

We unpack all things synthetic wigs by discussing:-

*Pssst, read up for a comprehensive understanding of Protective Styling for Growth: Do’s & Dont’s.

1. What is a Synthetic Wig?

A synthetic wig is a wig made out of man-made fibres.

Girl with shoulder length synthetic hair

Some common man made fibres used to make wigs are acrylic, polyester, heat-resistant fibres like Kanekalon & Toyokalon, as well as PVCs (polovinyl chloride).

Human hair, like the name suggests, is made out of real human hair.

Wanna know more about human hair? Read up on our post on the different Types of Wigs

Knowing the difference between the two is crucial because it allows you to make the best value for money and lifestyle decision.

This is because both types of wig material have different cost, lifestyle, maintenance, longevity and aesthetic features that make a world of difference.

Not sure how to go about selecting your next wig? Catch up on How to Choose a Wig.

In addition to being clued up on what a synthetic wig is, it also prevents you from being duped. Instead of paying large sums of money for what you falsely believe is human hair, you can learn how to tell the difference between the two.

2. How to tell the difference between Synthetic and Human Hair?

There are four easy ways to tell the difference between synthetic and human hair.

2.1 Burning test

This is the most common and straightforward way to tell the difference between these two types of hair.

Hold a candle to the tip of one strand of human hair and one strand of synthetic hair. The human hair strand will burn to ashes and tends to have a burnt feather / barbeque smell.

A candle to show the burn test to check if hair is synthetic

The synthetic strand, on the other hand, will melt, rather than burn to ash. It will melt into a solid clump and give out an unpleasant, strong smell (either a burnt plastic smell or chemical smell).

Also, when you burn synthetic hair, the strand also emits black smoke.

In addition to this, when you burn the tips of human hair, the ash is easily brushed off and removed off the tips of the hair. Synthetic hair, on the other hand, forms a hard, solid clump at the tip when burnt. And this clump can only be removed by cutting this section away.

2.2 Curling test

You can safely use a curling iron on human hair. This is either when you want to blend it into your own natural hair or when styling it.

On the other hand, with synthetic hair, using a curling iron on it will NOT give you defined curls that last. Depending on the quality, in some instances using a curling iron will damage the hair, causing it to change shape, texture and style.

2.3 Detangle test

Human hair does not matt or tangle easily and when tangled, is easy to comb and unravel.

This is opposed to synthetic hair, which, not only tends to get tangled and frizzy easily. But when detangled, it is that much harder to get the original smoothed out look back.

Furthermore, it is easier to run your hands through human hair, than to run it through synthetic hair.

2.4 Water test

The water test involves completely submerging both hair types into a bowl of water.

A puddle of water to show water test for synthetic wigsWhen synthetic hair is completely submerged, it usually feels weighty / heavy and the strands are stiff. It is also not easy to comb / manipulate when wet, and is inflexible. 

Human hair, on the other hand, easily absorbs water and is soft to the touch after being submerged. It is also easy to manipulate / comb when wet.

Also after washing, human hair still has the same gloss and shine, while synthetic hair loses a bit of its sheen / texture.

2.5 Movement test

Despite both wigs sometimes having the same look, there is a big difference between them.

When you shake / move human hair around, it has a more natural, flowy movement, as opposed to human hair which is not as fluid. It can also tend to be stiff.

Now that you understand how to distinguish between synthetic and human hair, you can get clued up further on the how long synthetic wigs last. 

3. How long do Synthetic Wigs last?

Girl with long, spiral synthetic hair

Synthetic wigs can last anywhere from 3 – 8 months, with the right care and manipulation.

This hair has a shorter lifespan for the following reasons:-

  1. Synthetic hair is prone to tangling;

  2. It has memory. This means that it stays in the style and shape that it is initially teased into and does not have movement – making it age / looks old quicker.

  3. Synthetic hair loses some of its sheen, texture and memory with each wash.

  4. It is made of man-made fibres and thus it frizzes easily and does not hold the style for long.

  5. Synthetic hair tends to shed more than human hair, thus full styles, usually look ratty and thin with time.

With this in mind, you can plan for and buy your next synthetic wig, factoring the shorter lifespan. You should also make sure that you care for it properly, so as to prolong its use.

4. Can you dye a Synthetic Wig?


That is the short answer. However the dyes that you use on human hair will not work on synthetic hair.

Rather, fabric dyes that are used on man-made fibres work well on synthetic wigs. 

NaHaZo Recommendation: Please bear in mind that dyeing a synthetic wig affects how long it will last and also its final sheen and texture.

Therefore, unless you want to use it for a short period, or need it for a specific event, it is not recommended that you dye your synthetic wig.

Also, when dying your wig, you can only transition it from a lighter to a dark colour. Never vice-versa! This means that you will struggle to bleach a black wig to say a blonde colour, but it will be easier to dye a silver or white wig to a darker colour.

Now that we have that out of the way, we can get into how to revive / repair a synthetic wig.

5. Can you revive / repair a synthetic wig?

Yes. Reviving a synthetic wig is an easy process.

Girl with synthetic wig and white hat

BUT, it must be an on-going, consistent process.

Do not wait until your hair is badly tangled, with lots of frizz, and then hope to revive it. Part of good wig care practice is to consistently care for your wig, so that it can last and look better for longer.

What you need?

  • Spray bottle
  • Leave-in conditioner
  • Water


1. Put water and conditioner in a spray bottle and shake it to mix.

2. Spray your wig from the top and smooth the mixture into your strands.

3. Finger detangle your sprayed wig from the tips to the top, taking your time to separate any tangles.

4. Once finger detangled, you can use a wide-toothed paddle brush on your hair.

NaHaZo Tip: ALWAYS use cold water.

Never use hot water on your synthetic wig, if you want to help retain its shape, sheen and lifespan. Hot water also cause it to frizz / shed more.

Reviving your synthetic wig is just one of the ways that you can make your wig look better and last longer.

We now move onto tips and hacks that you can incorporate to make your synthetic wig last longer. 

6. How to make a synthetic wig last longer?

There are little tips and hacks that you can incorporate into your hair regime to make your synthetic wig last longer.

6.1🌺Store it in a silk bonnet or on a mannequin

Store your synthetic wig in a bonnet or place it on a mannequin when not in use. 

This allows your wig to retain its shape, as well as keeps the strands from getting tangled.

6.2 🌺Use a silk cloth in your car.

A NahaZo hack is to place a silk /stain pillowcase / cloth over your car headrest. 

Blue stain cloth

As synthetic hair gets matted easily, putting a silk / satin bonnet on your headrest allows your hair style to last longer.

A common problem faced is the material on the car headrest snagging at the wig strands. Or causing the hair to become tangled. Resting your hair on a satin-covered headrest as you drive preserves your look for longer. 

6.3🌺Consistent care

The number one rule for maintaining your synthetic hair is to consistently care for it. 

This means refreshing your wig with the conditioner and water spray weekly, and removing any tangles using finger detangling. 

This not only keeps your wig looking fresh, but allows you to get the most out of it for months on end. 

6.4🌺No products on synthetic hair. 

Do not use any products on your synthetic hair. 

Outside of the conditioner and water spray, do not apply any gel, oil or product of any kind. 

The reason for this is that as the strands are man-made, these products weigh the wig down and make it stiff looking. 

6.5🌺Blow dry on cold air and from a distance.

Blowdry products

Should you need to dry your wig, make sure that you use cold air. Also ensure that you use the chase method or blow it from a distance – rather than placing the heat directly on your hair. 

This allows you to dry the wig, while maintaining its curls / straight look without the wig shrinking or getting damaged. 

6.6🌺Don’t buy (too) shiny synthetic hair.

Prevention is better than cure!


So step one is to buy the right kind of synthetic wig. The shinier the wig, the shorter it’s shelf life is. 

Rather go for matted, more natural sheen looking wigs, rather than the plasticky, shiny synthetic wigs. These tangle much easier and do not last as long. 

6.7🌺Don’t throw your wig around.

No matter how exhausted you are, do not throw your wig on your dresser table or in your cupboard. 

This makes it more prone to tangling and getting mated.

When you are not wearing your wig, always make sure it is stored properly and that the strand remain hanging the right side down. 

6.8🌺Comb from the bottom.

After detangling your synthetic hair, make sure that you comb it from the bottom and work your way upwards. 

This minimises shedding and frizz, and prevents making a bird’s nest of your wig.

Manipulating your wig in this way also helps maintain the style and stops the tips of your wig looking raggedy from thinning.

For more detailed wig care tips, catch up on our Handy Hacks on How to Care for A Synthetic Wig.  

7. Conclusion

Girl with straight synthetic wig

Now that you understand what is involved in prolonging the life of your synthetic wig, you can go about making better styling decisions. 

Empowered protective styling is great for your hair, and your pocket as well.

Need other ideas for styling your hair? Check out Protective Styling Inspiration from Willow Smith

Proper wig reviving practices, as well as matching your wig selection to your lifestyle will allow you to make better hair care choices

What has your experience been wearing synthetic wigs? How long do you usually wear them for? How do you revive your look. Share all your good practices and experiences in the comments below. 

And above all else, remember to be consistent in caring for your hair, even under the protective styling. 

Until the next time, happy naturaling ladies.🌺


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