What causes Alopecia Areata?

Woman in a headscarf and glasses

What causes Alopecia Areata?

The question of what causes alopecia has crossed many a natural’s lips. This is true whether asking for a friend (wink, wink) or genuinely seeking help for a family member struggling with this condition.

NaHaZo will be shedding light on this topic, so that you do not have to shed any more hair from lack of knowledge.

The following burning questions will be addressed:-

Pssst, get clued up on How to Regrow Hair on Bald Spots. 

1. What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia Areata is an auto-immune disease that causes hair loss on the scalp (and in some cases, other parts of the body).

2. What causes Alopecia Areata?

The why is very important.

Knowing why you are experiencing alopecia allows you (and your doctor, if you go and see one) to know the right kind of treatment to resolve it.

2.1 Age

Old african woman in a head wrap

This is a big cause of alopecia. As you age, the hair growth phase slows down, and the hair follicles are not replaced as quickly as they are lost, leading to alopecia.

This mostly happens at the kitchen (back of the head), as well as the top sides of the head. Being in peri-menopause and menopause is a major trigger for alopecia.

Get some guidance on Afro-textured Hair Care after 40: Tips & Tricks.

2.2 Extreme stress

Extreme stress has been known to cause alopecia and has been experienced by most naturals at some point in their lives.

A stressful break up, divorce, loss of a loved one, stress from a job or studying for exams, to name a few, are some of the reasons that can cause alopecia. It can also be induced by physical stress.

2.3 Illness

It is not uncommon to experience Alopecia Areata after a long bout of illness.

This is because illness puts a strain on your body and immune system, causing your hair follicles to stop growing and hair to fall out.

2.4 Low Iron and Vitamin D levels


When you suffer from low iron and vitamin D levels, your hair will definitely show this deficiency. People who discover they are anaemic, usually report having noticed much thinner, less dense hair.

Check out our Foods Rich in Iron for Hair Growth

Also recurring low Iron and Vitamin D levels will slow down and impact your hair growth negatively.

2.5 Genetics

Alopecia Areata may be due to genetics in some people.

The genes inherited from one’s parents makes some people susceptible to this auto-immune condition.

2.6 Poor diet

Poor diet and nutrition has been known to cause bald patches and hair loss.

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Extreme diets that see your body deprived of the essential nutrients usually shows up in hair loss.

People who are constantly on restrictive diets or eat poorly are most likely to suffer from bald patches and thinning hair.

2.7 Medication

Colourful medicine on the counter

Some medications have been known to cause hair loss / balding as a negative side effect.

3. Diseases / disorders that cause hair loss.

Some of the diseases / disorders that are associated with Alopecia Areata are:-

  1. Iron deficiency anemia;
  2. Lupus;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Thyroid diseases;
  5. Eczema;
  6. Covid-19;
  7.  Ringworms;
  8. Fungal infections;
  9. Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
  10. Cancer treatment;
  11. Vitiligo;
  12. Psoriasis;
  13. Asthma; and
  14. Hay fever. 

4. Early signs of Alopecia

A sign

Alopecia Areata usually begins with an oval or round bald patch on your scalp.

This is usually small in size, and easy to overlook until you notice your hair thinning or feel the smooth bald patch.

Usually some naturals realise that they have alopecia when they notice that their hair has changed and is not as it used to be. In hair terms, the fro is no longer froing and the twist outs don’t look as full.

That being said, these are some of the early signs of Alopecia Areata to look out for:-

  • Less fullness and appearance of thinner hair;
  • Visible scalp in areas;
  • Patchy hair loss all over your scalp;
  • Widening of the mid-line parting of your scalp;
  • Brittle, thin nails; and
  • Excessive hair shedding.

Usually a health-care professional is best placed to make the diagnosis of Alopecia Areata and it is important to see a specialist, whenever you experience these unexplained hair loss symptoms.

5. Can you develop alopecia later in life?

The answer is a resounding yes.

Age is one of the factors that contribute to getting Alopecia. As you age, your hair growth phase slows down and in some cases hormonal imbalance may cause shedding / hair loss.

It is not uncommon for naturals, who previously boasted thick, healthy hair, to find that they have thinner strands, with bald spots at the crown of the head.

6. Will your hair grow back?


Alopecia Areata does not completely destroy the hair follicles and the hair can be regrown in the bald patches.

However, it is important to know that while some people may never experience the bald patches again, it can be recurring for others. This more so if the cause is due to Iron deficiency anaemia or stress. In this regard, it is important to keep on top of your diet, as well as mental health.

Also, in some cases, when the hair grows back, it may do so with a different texture or slightly different colour, but with time, your hair should go back to its normal texture.

7. Can Alopecia Areata be Cured?


There is no cure for Alopecia Areata, and while some people may never experience a second bout, some have flare ups throughout their hair journey.

However, while it cannot be cured, it can definitely be minimised and treated.

Which brings us to some of the ways that this auto-immune condition can be treated.

8. Alopecia Areata treatment

This depends on the severity of the condition and the age.

Some of the common treatments for this condition are:-

🌺Do nothing: This involves waiting to see what happens. Sometimes the issues gets resolved on its own and the bald spot regrows hair. This is especially true of young kids and young adults & minor Areata (one or two bald patches).

🌺Topical steroid cream to the bald spot;

🌺Steroid injections to the scalp;

🌺Oral medication

Treatment should see results from anytime from 6 weeks to 6 months, and is best done consistently.

9. How to stop Alopecia Areata spreading?

It is very important to catch alopecia in the early stages. The sooner you intervene on hair loss, the better results you will get with treatment. Do not wait for the condition to worsen.

This cannot be stressed enough. When you catch it in the early stages, it is much easier to treat and there will be more treatment options to consider.

Depending on the cause, make sure that you remedy what is causing the Alopecia. If it is due to poor diet, stress, low iron and Vitamin D levels, then this can be reversed by incorporating good hair practices. Should it be due to illness or genetics, then a medical professional can help with minimising spread of the condition.

10. What does Alopecia Areata look like?

You may be wondering what this condition looks like and we have a couple of images to show the different ways this shows up on one’s scalp.

Bald spots at the back of your head.

bald spots at the back of the head due to alopecia areata

Spreading out bald spot in the middle

Growing bald spot in the middle of the head due to Alopecia Areata.

Thinning hair at the crown


Hair loss can be distressing, and it is even more stressful when your once treated bald spots flare up again.

However, remember that it is common to have flare ups and that many people experience bald patches / hair loss.

You are not alone!

Take it as an opportunity to care for yourself.

Hair is one of the biggest indicators of mental and physical health and this may just be the wake-up call to care for yourself.

Have you suffered from Alopecia Areata? What did you do to treat this condition? Has this recurred and if yes, how are you managing your hair health now? Share your experience with the community.

Remember to be kind to yourself. Love yourself and embrace this period in your life, when you get to learn to give extra care to your scalp and hair.

Until then, happy naturaling!


2 thoughts on “What causes Alopecia Areata?

  1. Catherine says:

    Great content, you have done this topic justice, that’s why I love your blogs. Go NaHaZo.

  2. NaHaZo Team
    NaHaZo Team says:

    Thank you Catherine, :-), appreciate the feedback. Healthy, lush afro-textured hair is close to our heart and we are overjoyed that you enjoy our content and find it helpful.

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