Ultimate Guide: 17 Super Foods to Combat Hair Loss

A varierty of fruits, nuts and vegetables to show the super foods needed for hair growth

Ultimate Guide: 17 Foods to Combat Hair Loss

NaHaZo brings you its ultimate guide to good hair nutrition with its 17 super foods to combat hair loss. This is bookmarkable to come back to, again and again.

At the end of the day, good hair is much more than what you put on your scalp and hair strands. It is also what you feed your body from the inside out.

Correct hair practices and proper nutrition equals a healthy head of natural hair.

NaHaZo pinpoints all the superfoods that you can add to your diet to ensure that you get the most out of your natural tresses.

We unpack the following good hair superfoods:-

*Pssst, for a comprehensive list of all the natural hair lingo to know when you embark on your exciting Journey, NaHaZo’s Natural Hair Glossary can bring you up to speed on the top 50 natural hair buzz words.

A is for Almonds for healthier hair

Almonds are a super hair food and are packed with all the essential nutrients.

The vitamin E, biotin, magnesium, iron and protein in this hair food will help restore your hair’s shine and vitality.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight dandruff. Plus, it gives your hair that much desired smooth and shiny sheen.

So next time, pack a handful of almonds into your fist for a power punch snack.

Just be sure to go easy on these nuts if you are watching your weight – just a handful a day should do the trick.

Need hair motivation. Read up on our hairstory on How I Grew My Daughter’s Hair to Waist Length. 

A is for Avocado for Dry, Damaged Hair

Any super food list would not be complete without our much beloved avocado.

Not only does avocado taste amazing, it is a source of important nutrients for hair such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin B 5 and Vitamin B6.

Avocado is great for your hair as the omega-3 helps to coat your hair shaft, helping to retaining moisture. This adds to the smooth texture and shine of the hair.

Avocado also nourishes your hair and scalp, helping to promote healthy hair growth.  

Check out our Avocado & Aloe Vera Hair Mask for Dry, Damaged Hair. 

To top off its super hair power, you can also add it to your deep conditioning routine to infuse your locks with much needed shine and nutrients.

B is for Blueberries to combat hair loss

Smurfette swears by blueberries for luscious blue hair.

And she should.

Blueberries in water

Blueberries are full of antioxidants, including Vitamin B, which is important in counteracting the effects of stress on our body.

Try as much as we can, sometimes life throws us curveballs, and we must always be able to rise to the occasion. 

One way to do so is to ensure that your body is pumped with all the good antioxidants needed to keep you (and your natural hair journey) on track.

Keen to reduce stress in your life. Why not read up on our recommended Books Featuring Characters with Natural Hair or watch our shortlisted Top 7 Romantic Movies that Feature Leads with Natural Hair?

C is for Carrots to hydrate hair

Nature always lets us know the superfoods by their vibrant colours. The brighter, the better. 😊

Carrots, with its vibrant orange colour, is a super hair food extraordinaire.

It is full of Vitamin A and beta-carotene. This helps stimulate the glands to produce sebum, and also helps prevent dry, dull and lifeless hair.

Carrot’s rich colour marker, like a traffic sign, gives you a heads up on the many nutritional benefits it has for your hair. 

Check out our Carrot & Beetroot Salad: Iron for Hair Growth

C is for Chickpeas to strengthen hair

Chickpeas in a bowl

Chickpeas need to become a firm favourite in your diet. 

Not only because they are super delicious, but they are also very versatile. They can be used in a variety of ways from salad to curry to meat stews.

Chick peas are also high in folic acid which aids in the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to your scalp – which is integral for hair growth.

E is for Eggs for healthy hair

Eggs contain biotin, which is an essential nutrient for healthy hair (and nails😊.

Eggs are also an essential source of Vitamin D, which is another vital hair nutrient that you need to include into your daily diet.

Additionally, the sulphur in eggs is great for fighting scalp conditions such as dandruff, eczema and psoriasis. This also helps maintain scalp health, ensuring that your hair grows optimally.

Add eggs into your diet to reap the benefits of this essential nutrient.

K is for Kiwi to up your iron levels

Kiwi fruit on a table as one of the 17 superfoods that can help combat hair loss

These sweet oval green Vitamin C bombs are great for your hair because they are packed with Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is not only great for your hair (and skin), but is a super carrier for Iron absorption.

Should you want to turbo charge your iron absorption, be sure to add Vitamin C together with your iron rich meal.

L is for Lentils to minimise hair loss

This is a firm winter soup as well as comfort food, for those days when you need to feel loved up after a particularly strenuous day.

Why are lentils a super food? Well, lentils are rich in folic acid, which aids your body in making red blood cells.

Lentils in tiny white sacks

And what do these red blood cells do?

Well, they carry oxygen to your organs, scalp (and skin). You seeing they connection here?

This is as good a reason as any to stock your pantry with lentils.

M is for Meat to strengthen your strands

Meat, ma, Meat.

Yep! Meat is great for your hair.

Why? Because it contains protein, which is the building block of your hair strands. And if you do not have enough protein, then your hair growth pauses.

To get the most out of protein in your meats, include chicken, turkey, pork and lean cuts of beef into your diet.

Keen to try out a new recipe. Our Spinach & Steak Iron Wise Recipe will have you licking your lips. 

O is for Oats to thicken hair

Oats hanging on stalks

Oats are a great addition to any natural’s diet for a number of nutritional reasons. They contain iron, fibre, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

These bad boys are integral in stimulating hair growth, making your hair thick and healthy.

Add a few almonds and some yoghurt into your bowl of oats, and your meal will pack a healthy punch for your hair health.

Did you know that oats are a great DIY recipe to treat a dry and itchy scalp? Get the 411 with our Home Remedies for a Dry Itchy Scalp

P is for Pumpkin to minimise hair loss

Pumpkin eaters will be happy to know that this super vegetable is not only handy for carving Halloween heads, but also for ensuring that your thick mane of hair turns heads.

Pumpkin is loaded with iron and beta-carotene, as well as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, to name but a few.

What exactly does pumpkin do?

Well, it contain Vitamin A that strengthens the hair shaft, and plays a huge role in ensuring length retention. 

Pumpkins are also rich in B Vitamins, specifically Vitamin B7 which aids in the production of keratin – a protein needed for our hair strands. This also enhances blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth.

Get the 411 on Hair Care for Braids: Ultimate Guide.

So whether you prefer your pumpkin in a puree, topped up on your breakfast cereal or make a delicious curry, make this meal part of your weekly menu to see healthy, long hair.

R is for Red Peppers for shiny hair

The vibrant, colourful red of these peppers say it all.

3 Red peppers shown as a great source of Iron making them a super food that helps combat hair loss

Red peppers are rich in Vitamin C and high in anti-oxidants that is sure to strengthen and add vital sheen to your hair.

S is for Salmon to keep hair loss away

A little something fishy to add much-needed shine to your tresses.

Salmon is packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which your hair will lap up and flourish on.

If the price tag on Salmon is a bit of a deterrent, you can still get your omega-3 fatty acid bombs from fish such as sardines and mackerels. 

Bon apetit!

S is for Sweet Potatoes for shiny hair

For that sweet tooth and sweet look, stock up on some sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes boast an impressive CV of not only being yummy, but being packed with beta-carotene which your body turns into Vitamin A.

The vitamin A helps prevent dry, dull hair as well as encourages the production of sebum – your hair’s own natural oil. 

S is for Spinach for strong hair Spinach in a saucepan

Suffering from thin, brittle hair?

Then it is time to introduce spinach into your diet.

Spinach is great for the health of your hair as it has a high iron and magnesium content. It is also full of folate, vitamin A, vitamin C and beta-carotene, which helps keep scalp and hair strands healthy.

For those naturals who suffer from thin hair due to low iron levels, incorporating spinach into your diet will raise your iron levels, giving your hair an energy boost.

So, eat spinach for that hair (and body) pick-me-up!

Need a healthy spinach recipe? Try out our Spinach and Apple Salad to Combat Hair Loss

W is for Water to soften your hair

Yes, water!

Water on a table illustrating that when drank everyday, can help with hair loss

Who knew?

A consistent, daily intake of water helps keep your strands hydrated and gives it that healthy sheen and glow that is desired by many naturals.

Need a nourishing hair spritz for your hair? You cannot go wrong with our DIY Hibiscus Water for Hair and our DIY Coffee Water for Hair Growth

Y is for Yoghurt for a healthy scalp

Skip over to the plain yoghurt aisle and your hair (and skin), will thank you for it.

Yoghurt is packed with calcium and vitamin B5, which helps maintain healthy hair, as well as contains protein – which is one of the building blocks for hair.

Yoghurt is also integral in keeping hair strands strong, and is a great remedy for thinning, brittle hair. 

You can also use yoghurt in your hair mask, for moisturised, hydrated strands. Try out our DIY Hibiscus & Yoghurt Mask for Hair. 

Bonus: N is for Nuts for overall hair health

Nuts on a tray showing how they are great for preventing hair loss

When you want to top up on nutrients for your hair, then reach for the nutty professor of super hair food.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

These nuts are enriched with omega-3 nutrients that ensure thicker strands, and also give hair sheen and lustre. A win-win all round. 

Armed with these gems of knowledge, add these superfoods to your shopping list and get ready to nourish your hair from the inside out.

Are you now excited to get started on caring from your hair from the inside out? Get further hair care gems with our Hair Growth: A Natural’s Guide to Optimal Hair Growth in 2024

Sound off in the comments and let us know what these superfoods have done to your mane and share any additional foods that are great for good hair.

Until then, happy naturaling!




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