Top 4 Natural Hair Growth Oils

Rosemary Essential Oil made by Natural Hair Zone on a table

Top 4 Natural Hair Growth Oils

Not all oils are alike. Some are more effective than others at promoting hair growth. 

This is due to their nutrient-rich composition, which stimulates scalp circulation and encourages healthy hair growth.

Let’s dive straight into our top 4 hair growth oils:-

*Pssst, catch up on our comprehensive breakdown on the Maximum Hydration Method for gorgeously hydrated curls, coils and kinks. 

1. Rosemary Oil

Number one on our list is Rosemary Essential oil.

Rosemary Essential Oil made by Natural Hair Zone on a table

Rosemary oil promotes hair growth, helps control dandruff, and works as an effective scalp cleanser. It is also known to limit premature graying.

This oil is best for treating bald spots, hair loss at the crown & edges and thinning hair.

2. Clove Oil

A close second is Clove oil.

Clove Essential Oil made by Natural Hair Zone on a table

Cloves have a sweet, nutty smell and also packs a punch when it comes to its benefits for hair health. It is no wonder that this DIY natural hair oil is a firm favourite on our shelves.

Clove oil helps with hair re-growth, limits hair shedding, and adds volume to hair. It also prevents premature aging. 

Naturals with bald spots have seen positive results from consistently massaging Clove oil into their scalp.

This oil is best for treating bald patches, thin, brittle hair and dandruff.

3. Coffee Oil

Coffee oil boosts hair growth, so if you are looking for that quick-length hack, look no further.

Coffee  Essential Oil made by Natural Hair Zone on a table

It also increases blood circulation to the scalp and promotes hair hydration, as well as moisture retention. It has also been known to strengthen the hair shaft, making it stronger and smoother, thus reducing shedding.

This oil is best for treating bald patches, a dry, irritated scalp and thin, breaking hair.

4. Onion Oil

While Onion oil may not win the contest for having a pleasant smell, it is definitely one of our top hair growth oils.

Onion oil for hair growth on a wooden cutting board

Onion oil strengthens hair, minimises split ends as well as reduces the amount of shed hair. Also the Sulphur in this oil is a powerful essential nutrient for hair health and re-growth.

This oil is best for treating stunted hair growth, dandruff and thin hair.

Wanna make your own DIY Onion Oil for Hair Growth?

5. How to use these oils?

As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad, and these oils are no exception.

Therefore, in order to get the best out of these hair growth oils, you must do the following

🌺Do not apply these oils every day, as they can be drying to the hair. Rather apply X3 a week.

🌺Make sure that you apply the oil to well-moisturised hair, and not dry hair. Do not use them as moisturising oils.

Not sure of the difference between Moisturising and Sealant Oils? Get the 411 on this, as well as the types of oils best suited for sealing, as well as hydrating hair. 

🌺Use sparingly. 

🌺For best results, massage the oil into your scalp and then down the length of your hair for even distribution.

🌺Incorporate into your weekly deep conditioning treatments to get the most out of these oils. To use, add a few drops of these oils to your treatment.

🌺Use consistently for 3 – 6 months if you want to see desired results. Should you suffer from serious bald spots and thinning hair, then give yourself 6 months to a year to see some improvement.

🌺After application, you can seal with a good, organic natural hair product.

🌺 Do not neglect your scalp health. Make it a habit to clarify your scalp with ACV rinse at least x1 a month.

However, remember that there is no oil that can undo the negative effects of a poor diet or poor hair practices. Therefore over and above how you use these oils, make sure that you incorporate other good hair habits to get the best overall results.


One of the ways that you can take the guess work out of your hair growth routine is to be deliberate about the products that you use. Choosing oils based on their growth stimulation qualities is a step in the right direction. 

Have you tried any of these oils? What oils have helped you deal with bald spots and thinning hair? Shout out in the comments and lets us know what your experience has been. 

Now that you are clued up on the hair growth benefits of these four super oils, make them a staple in your hair routine to see positive hair results.

Until the next time ladies, happy naturaling!


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