How to Make Rose Oil for Hair

Rose oil for hair is one of those game-changers to introduce into your regular hair[...]

4 Things I wish I Knew Before Going Natural

NaHaZo shares 5 things to know before going natural. Are you starting your hair journey?[...]

The Maximum Hydration Method Explained

The Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) is a length process that is great for introducing moisture[...]

Home Remedies for Dandruff

There are many common home remedies for dandruff that can treat the condition at home,[...]

Clay Treatments and Natural Hair

Bentonite Clay treatment is great for natural hair, is worth introducing into your hair regime.[...]

DIY Chebe Butter

Chebe hair butter is ideal for hydrating dry, brittle hair, helps to soften the hair[...]

Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Growth

Aloe Vera Juice is beneficial for moisturizing hair, as well as minimizing breakage and retaining[...]

DIY Flaxseed Gel for Hair Growth

Flax seed is a popular go-to for styling and moisturising hair. This easy to make[...]

DIY Coffee Water for Hair Growth

Coffee can be used as a rinse, leave-in conditioner or as a pre-poo treatment for[...]

DIY Okra Gel for Hair

Okra is a great product for taming frizz. Another plus is that extracting and making[...]


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