Rose oil for hair is one of those game-changers to introduce into your regular hair regime. This oil is easy to make, and when used consistently, can benefit your length and health goals.
NaHaZo shares 5 things to know before going natural. Are you starting your hair journey? Are you frustrated with your hair health and length? You are at the right place.
The Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) is a length process that is great for introducing moisture into your hair. However, while it is a time-consuming process, the results are worth it!
There are many common home remedies for dandruff that can treat the condition at home, without having to break the bank. Cheap, effective and easy to use in the comfort of your home.
Bentonite Clay treatment is great for natural hair, is worth introducing into your hair regime. Are you a newbie natural or an old hand? Whichever the case, this treatment is a definite must-try!
Chebe hair butter is ideal for hydrating dry, brittle hair, helps to soften the hair as well, and has been known to strengthen the hair strands as well as promote hair growth.
Aloe Vera Juice is beneficial for moisturizing hair, as well as minimizing breakage and retaining length. When used consistently, aloe vera juice is a game-changer in terms of maximizing hair growth between protective hairstyling.
Flax seed is a popular go-to for styling and moisturising hair. This easy to make and cheap natural hair hack is a must-have in your hair regime.
Coffee can be used as a rinse, leave-in conditioner or as a pre-poo treatment for your natural hair. Not only does it strengthen your hair, but it also helps prevent hair loss and shedding.
Okra is a great product for taming frizz. Another plus is that extracting and making the gel is quick and easy, making it an ideal step to add to your bi-weekly hair regime.