Looking for a natural, effective hair mask to hydrate and soften your hair? This DIY honey, Yoghurt & Olive Oil hair mask is a must-try. Made with simple ingredients you likely have in your kitchen, it’s easy to apply and provides noticeable results.
Need to hydrate & strengthen your hair? This DIY honey, yoghurt & olive oil mask is great for nourishing your hair inside out! Cheap, easy to make ad effective, you will be rewarded with definition, shine and healthy hair.
We countdown the top five DIY products that make detangling your natural hair a breeze, no matter how long you have had your protective style.
These DIY hacks are easy to make, cheap and more effective than store bought products. They also have the added bonus of being organic, which is good for natural hair care.
Pressed for time? Not sure how to style your child’s hair? Want a style that suits her busy school schedule? We have got you covered! These quick tips will help take the sting out of styling your child’s afro-textured hair in time for the start of the school term.
An effective toddler hair care routine revolves around a simple regime that is easy and effective. Follow our 3-step hair care process for less tears and more giggles.
We have compiled 11 Ultimate home remedies for a dry, itchy scalp that can help alleviate scalp problems at home. From Baking Soda to Oatmeal, all the ways you can get your scalp healthy again.
NaHaZo shares some nutrient rich foods that you can add to your daily/weekly diet to see improvement in the health of your hair. This week, we look at Carrot & Beetroot Salad
Hair loss during Perimenopause can be very distressing. This not only puts a damper on your natural hair journey, but can feel overwhelming when you are juggling life and experiencing all the other premenopausal symptoms.
But fear not, NaHaZo has got you covered.
NaHaZo brings you the Ultimate guide to good hair food with its 17 Super Foods to combat Hair Loss. This is bookmarkable to come back to, again and again.
Homemade detangler for matted hair can help you get through those days when your hair is a literal bird’s nest. Simple, easy DIY recipes that use products you already have in your home.