Stress & Hair Loss: How to Get Back on Track

Stress & Hair Loss: How to Get Back on Track.

I was only today years old when I made the connection between mental health and my stunted hair growth. Many big chops later, I now realise that in those moments when I reached for the scissors, I should have been reaching for better ways to manage my overall mental health.

Thinning hair?

Bald Spots?

Stunted hair growth?

I have experienced all these and more in my many NH journey attempts, with recurring bald spots and thinning hair being the story of my growth. 

However, it was only when I learnt and began to practice better ways of personal well-being that my Fro began to flourish. And these are distilled in 9 simple lifestyle changes that are, in the long run, great for your edges. 

And while no one can control life’s up and downs, these handy life hacks come in handy to better manage your mental health:-

*Pssst, for a comprehensive list of all the natural hair lingo to know when you embark on your exciting Journey,’s Natural Hair Glossary can bring you up to speed on the top 50 natural hair buzz words.

1. Spring clean your friend group

Have a look at the people who you surround yourself with. 

Are they frenemies?

Do they genuinely root for you when you are trying to do and get better?

How do they make you feel after you have spent time in their company?

Women in witch costumes and pointy hats

Sometimes we blame ourselves and our circumstances for how we feel and we do not understand why we are constantly feeling sad.

And sometimes the reason for this is the people who we allow into our lives, be it our spouses, partners, family, friends and work colleagues. These people could be poisoning your mental health with their negativity.

One way to deal with this is to lose some weight. Deadweight, that is. It is okay to let go of people who negatively impact your health.

However, while it is not always easy (or practical) to lose some of these negative people, you can learn to emotionally distance yourself from them. Try and limit the amount of time you spend around them and also avoid giving them access to your goals and dreams.

It takes time (and practice), but once you do this (and the other mental life hacks), you will be pleasantly surprised that these negative circle of friends no longer trigger you. And that your mental wellbeing (and hair) are healthier for this.

2. Be Kind to Yourself

All the answers you need to leave YOUR life are inside of you.

Cliché as it sounds, this is the truth!

No one has lived your life, experienced it the way that you have or knows you better than you. Those close to you or those who have grown up with you may THINK they do, but they do not.

And so get into the habit of dating yourself. Treat yourself the way you would treat your biggest crush.

Say nice things to yourself, compliment your small victories and practice not being too hard on yourself. Take yourself out for ice cream, the movies or dinners, and make being alone with your thoughts a habit.

This will allow you to be more confident in your ability to get through life, as you will begin to trust yourself again. Trusting yourself again will cause you to be less anxious about how you feel and more in tune with what makes you tick.

3. Get in the habit of Journaling

Journaling helps in processing your feelings, without any fear of judgement or that your news will be spread faster than a CNN headline.

Girl with natural hair and glasses reading a self help bookIt has been proven that getting into the daily habit of writing down your thoughts on paper can help lower stress levels.

This is because, by honestly writing down what you feel, you get a release of the pent up emotions and this helps lower your stress levels.

There is also the added benefit of knowing that you can be 100% honest with yourself on how you feel. This is key in getting to know yourself and what triggers you. When you better understand yourself and see patterns in how you act when you feel a certain way, then you are no longer JUST your feelings and you can take action to be in a better mental space.

4. Exercise

Moving your body is one of the quickest ways to change how you are feeling.

Not only is it good for your overall health, but the feel good hormones that are released (endorphins) after you exercise help make you feel less stressed.

When I was going through a particularly rough patch, I took up boxing and this helped me work through my emotions. It was therapeutic to punch the bag and take out my anger on the boxing pad, and I always went home feeling that much lighter.

Girl in an afro doing exercise to improve her mental health

However, as we are all at different places in our lives and if joining a gym is not on the cards for whatever reason, then at least 30 minutes of walking can make a difference in your mood.

Also being out in the open and around nature helps to take the sting out of an otherwise hard day.

So what are you waiting for. Lace up your running shoes and give it a try. Your future self will thank you for this.

Wanna take your healthy habits up a notch. Make sure you indulge in Foods Rich in Iron for Hair Growth. 

5. Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are easy to do and are a quick fix to get centred.

For starters, you can simply set aside 5 – 10 minutes daily and go to a quiet place in your home, preferably early in the morning before all the distractions begin.

Sit down with your limbs arranged loosely and take in a deep breath through your nose, breathing deeply through your chest (and not your stomach). One way to know that you are breathing right is that your chest will rise, as if being blown up with air like a balloon.

Then hold your breath for one second and release, exhaling through your mouth. Try exhale longer, than you inhale. Repeat this breathing technique for at least 10 times.As you get better at it, you will find that you do this for longer periods of time.

These exercises are quick, painless and an effective way to release any stress you may feel in the moment.

Give it a breath!

6. Meditate

Meditation helps with overall mental health and people who start their days with meditation have been proven to better deal with the stresses of everyday life.

Girl with natural hair meditating to improve her mental health

Think of this practice as exercise for the mind and it is not linked to any religion, but is simply a tool to calm and centre your mind.

This practice may not come easy for some beginners, and so when you start off, you can do so for 5 – 10 minutes at a time and then build up from there. Also, there are many guided meditations on You Tube for different stressors you may be feeling, from anxiety, loss, fear, envy and depression.

Think of it as taking time out to care for your mind, which is your most important resource in life.

A steady, calm and enriched mind is the building block from which you can go through your day.

7. Read Self-Help books

No one comes to this world with a manual and we all do the best we can with the cards we are dealt with.

HOWEVER, while there is no manual, listening to other people’s life stories who have gone or are going through similar loss or stressors can help with our own everyday challenges.

Girl on a back bench looking at her journal

I was never a big fan of self-help books until during a rough year and a half, I was hit by wave after wave of personal turmoil. One of the things that helped me claw my way back to better mental health was self-help books on dealing with loss, finance, getting productive and self-care.

Autobiographies can also help you to feel less alone in your life experiences. Michelle Obama’s Becoming, Viola Davis’s Book and Viktor E. Frankl’s Man Search for Meaning are just some of the books that helped me through some rough patches.

Get clued up on How to Regrow Hair on Bald Spots and What causes Alopecia Areata. 

If reading feels overwhelming, you can also listen to inspiring podcasts and watch interviews on YouTube. Some of our personal favourites are Steve Bartlett’s Diary of a CEO, Lewis Howes’ School of Greatness and Lisa Bilyeu’s Women of Impact.

8. Listen In On Yourself

Get into the habit of eavesdropping on yourself.

Yes, you heard right.

Listen in on yourself.

What thoughts are you thinking?

If thoughts cause feelings, and feelings cause action, and your actions shape your life, – why not consciously be aware of what you think and CHOOSE to think thoughts that positively impact your life?
It is that easy and it is that hard!

At the end of the day, no human being can put thoughts into your head but yourself. So you need to go into battle with yourself EVERYDAY and fight for better thinking.

Girl meditating next to a window

One way to do this is to focus on the vision of your future. Instead of racking your past and reliving sad events, rather think of your future. Spend your mental currency on things that you can look forward to.

Initially it will be difficult, but with time this will get better. It is like a muscle and the more you use it, the better it will grow.

9. Practice Gratitude

Girl in braids jumping up in excitement at caring for her hairThey say that gratitude is the memory of the heart.

One of the ways to take care of your heart health (and in the long run, your hair health) is to practice gratitude.

This allows you to manage your remembering and focus on the positive things that have happened in your life. It also reminds you that tough times are only temporary and you have the strength to go through them.

You can practice gratitude first thing in the morning and late at night, before you fall asleep. Simply focus on at least one things, no matter how small, that you are grateful for and allow yourself to dwell on this. You can either think about it or write it in your journal, but practicing gratitude keeps your outlook on life positive.

Who wouldn’t want such a magnificent view?


The journey to mental well-being begins with one step. That is all it takes.

In the beginning it may feel overwhelming, but you can start with one action and do this until you have mastered it and then move to the next.

Work in this way, until you have all if not most of these mental health practices incorporated in your daily routine.

And the evidence will be there to see.

Luscious, thick, healthy afro-textured hair.

Give it a try today. You and your hair are worth it!!!

Have you tried any of these mental health hacks? Has the health of your hair improved after you began to prioritise how you were feeling and showing up every day? Sound off and let us know your experience with mental health and the health of your hair.

And until the next time ladies, happy naturaling!



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