DIY Onion Oil for Hair Growth
DIY Onion oil helps stimulate hair growth, and is an effective natural hair product to have in your hair regime, despite the ‘bad smelling’ rap it has gotten.
It has great hair-nourishing properties and when used on your wash day, will improve both your scalp and hair health over time. Worried about the smell? We have got you covered with Nahazo tips and hacks.
Preparation time
40 minutes.
Onion oil contains sulfur, which is essential for strengthening hair, thus limiting split ends and thinning hair. It is also good for the scalp as it increases blood circulation, and has also been known to help treat bald spots, as well as restore edges.
- X 1 red Onion
- X 1 brown Onion
- Grapeseed oil or preferred carrier oil
- Coffee filter
- Optional: Peppermint oil, rosemary springs, rosemary oil, cinnamon powder
1. Remove the onion skins, cut the onions into tiny cubes, and then put them into a blender.
2. Add half a cup of carrier oil (20 tablespoons) to the mix, and then blend until you get a paste.
3. Pour the paste into a pan, add 15 tablespoons of your career oil, and then mix well over medium heat. Make sure to stir occasionally so that the onion does not stick to the pan. Let it simmer in the pot for 20 minutes.
4. Once the paste begins to change to a brown color, take it off the heat and let it cool down.
5. After it has cooled down, put it in the filter to separate the oil from the onion paste. Tip: Secure the coffee filter onto the glass jar with a rubber band, and be patient as the oil filters through. This process may take several hours and you can leave it to distill overnight.
6. The oil should be ready for use. Store it in a dark container, adding a few drops of Peppermint/rosemary oil to mask the smell. Tip: A spoonful of cinnamon powder or adding 3 – 3 sprigs of rosemary oil to the mixture helps to mask the smell.
Alternative Bonus Method
This is the no-heat method. You can heat the carieer oil, before setting it aside in a metal mixing bowl, and then adding the cut onions to it. Cover the bowl and then let it sit for 2 to 3 days, after which you can distill it (Using methods 5 and 6 above). You can throw away the onions after filtering.
Store the mixture in a cool, dark place to prolong its shelf life.
This oil is best used before washing your hair, either as a pre-poo hot oil treatment for the scalp or massaged directly on the scalp. Let it sit for 20 – 30 minutes and then wash and condition afterwards. Apply once a week.
If you are allergic to sulfur, then use it with caution. Also, monitor for any adverse reactions and discontinue if they happen.
What has your experience with Onion oil been? Has your hair flourished since you introduced it into your regime?