Starting your Natural Hair Journey? – The Big Chop and your Hair Journey

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Starting your Natural Hair Journey? – The Big Chop and your Hair Journey

Sooooooo, you have decided to take the big leap in your natural hair journey and return to caring for your curls and coils. Starting with the BIG CHOP!

The Big What? Catch up on all the latest natural hair buzz words. 

It may seem like a no–brainer – the BIG Chop. Just snip, snip, snippety snip and begin your journey.

Unleash your Authentic Natural Self

But everyone from the female warriors in Wakanda to Demi Moore in GI Jane knows that the chop is not just a simple shave. It is saying goodbye to the old you and allowing a revised, authentic self to emerge.

And in other ways, the big chop is a war cry. A call to battle for your identity, true self, and comfortable space to occupy the world in all your coily, curly, kinky glory.

Maybe your natural hair is thinning, and its time to try again. 

That being said, we all appreciate the depth of vulnerability of cutting off one’s hair and recognise that an increasing number of us have been there.

Thus, to help you along your journey, highlights pertinent issues you may be faced with when you do the Big Chop

Not ready to chop it just yet? – Grow your hair longer, naturally instead! 

In this article about your Natural Hair Journey, we will discuss the following


Let’s dive in, shall we?


1. To Cut it all off or Transition to Natural?

This is a common question faced by first-time and recurring naturals.

‘Do I cut it all off or transition to natural? Maybe the rest of my hair will catch on and revert to natural, along with the new growth?’ you may ask.

In the Na Ha ZO team’s experience, we have found it easy to Let it go, make a clean start, and start on a fresh scalp.

Kinky Hair 

Especially if you have a kinkier texture of hair. This is because the difference in texture between your natural and relaxed hair will be as clear as night and day. Also, your hair will most likely snag off where these two textures meet.

Damaged Hair

On the other hand, if you were never relaxed but have damaged hair and would like to start afresh, then ditto above.

Seeing the new coily, healthy growth together with the thin, damaged strands is a mood killer. In such a case, it makes sense (let’s say it together) to let it go.

If you decide to let it go and big chop, the next question is where to get it done.

Do not clutch your pearls; we have got you covered.


2. Where to get Your Big Chop?

lady having her hair chopped off at withthegoodhair

This depends on how much natural hair you have to work with.

Can you see the line of demarcation between the natural and relaxed hair? Is your hair largely damaged and you want to chop it all off?

Then you can spare yourself a visit to a barbershop and do it yourself. 

Mirror, Scissors and a Glass of Wine

Equipped with a mirror, sharp nifty scissors and a glass of wine (preferably for after and not before, to ensure a pleasant haircut), you can begin your natural hair journey by yourself, for yourself.

Should you suffer from generous nifty fingers that will stop short of shaving off your eyebrows or, miserly thrifty fingers that only chop off a quarter of a quarter of an inch, then get some help.

Feel free to solicit the help of a SUPPORTIVE friend or relative.

The Big Chop

The big chop is a deeply emotional and vulnerable step for some naturals.

You will need to enlist the support of a loved one who will cheer you the whole way through. Who will swear that with short hair, you look like the love child of Lupita Nyongo and Idris Elba.

What type of hair do you have, 4C hair?

Frenemies and Relemies

And please, don’t call on any frenemies and relemies (relatives who are enemies, but what to do because blood…) for help. The ones who will not hesitate to dramatically down the glass of wine and exclaim that the back of your head looks like the hunch back of Notre Dame has taken refuge under your scalp.

Nah ahhh.

Keep the positive energy moving. If you don’t have a supportive someone, do it yourself! And if you prefer, feel free to visit your local saloon or barber shop.

Do not know of a natural hair friendly salon to go to? Check out our Natural Hair Salon Review – Hairtural for a positive NH experience. 

Again, make sure you have a supportive hair stylist or go to a salon or barber shop. This is because you may go in wanting to start your natural hair journey and come out with Jheri curls.

That will not be the first time a hair stylist has convinced a would-be convert to return to the creamy crack.

3. What to do After you Cut your Hair?

Buy a hat or two. And put in a year’s leave.

I am just kidding 🙂 !

First, polish off your congratulatory adult beverage and pat yourself on your shoulder.

You have made the right decision.

And remember, for some naturals, it takes getting used to – seeing yourself so exposed without the idea of hair you are familiar with.

And some people around you will not hesitate to make you more self-conscious.

Going natural is like walking around as a first-time pregnant mother – everyone has something to say!

But just FOCUS….

And download pictures of where you see your hair in six months, a year, or three years and drown out the naysayers.

And should you be one of the lucky ones who can rock a short do, get your big hoop earrings, beat your face, bold colours and all, and do your thing!

If, however, you have more face than head or more head than face or just knoooooow short hair aint for you, then join the majority club. You are in good company. has an Ultimate guide to wigs that can keep you in protective styling until you are ready to debut your hair.

What is high porosity hair? Do you know your hair porosity? – Do you have low porosity hair? 

4. Get Straight into a CONSISTENT Hair Regime

Diving straight into a consistent hair regime after the big chop is the right time to begin caring for your hair – even if, at that time, you have more scalp than coils.

Your hair will thank you with length, health, and strength if you follow a consistent regime.

Remember, in incorporating a consistent hair regime, the first and MAJOR rule for any natural hair journey is MOISTURE, MOISTURE, MOISTURE.

Let’s Add Water

As in water. H20. Lots of it.

Down your throat (yes, it does help) and on your head.

And note that the key with moisture on your head is that it has to stay there. Don’t just dump it on and head out into the sunrise.

News flash – it will evaporate. And so will your length goals if your hair does not RETAIN the moisture. The natural hair chic is thirsty, especially 4c hair.

So, lockdown on your LOC or LCO routine early on to ensure you can smoothly transition from TWA to SL to CBL to APL to MBL without skipping a beat.

Whether you use the LOC or LCO method, you can practice and learn what works for your afro-textured hair.

5. Patience … Patience …. Patience…..

For your natural hair journey, I recommend a daily dose of patience, taken three times a day, every day, until you come into your own.

That is one essential thing you can do so as not to come down with length derangement syndrome. Which is real! Don’t over-sweat hair length.

And to go with your three daily doses of patience, make sure to remember and repeat the following mantras:

Comparison is the thief of joy.
My hair journey is unique, and so am I.
A watched pot never boils.

Remember that Rome was not built in a day, nor will the transition from a TWA to SL to APL to MBL happen over a short period.

6. Your Hair is Always Growing. Promise. Even if it may not Feel or Look Like it!

We all know those naturals. They do their big chop and, six months later, are holding a ponytail. A year later are at APL and at the two-year mark, they are inching toward MBL.

Suffice it to say, they are the minority.

If you are part of the majority of naturals, then your hair will grow at an average rate of 0,5mm per month, give or take a few millimeters. This average 0,5mm length eventually translates to a TWA, SL, or CBL, and so it goes PROGRESSIVELY. However, this depends on how you have treated your hair, barring any hair setbacks.

In essence, it is wise to remember that the natural hair journey encourages you to look after your hair, nourish it, and give it lots of TLC. This allows it to bloom and flourish.

And as long as you care for your hair and your health inside, there is no reason your hair should not grow. You can also help your hair along with some hair supplements.

In a Nutshell 

Keep your hands, comb, and dryer out of your hair, protective style your growing crown, and call her Patience.

She is growing!!!

7. Enjoy the Journey

african lady with beautiful natural hair at withthegoodhair

The natural hair journey is one of the most satisfying self-discovery journeys that any female of African ancestry can go on. Especially when you become adept at caring for and styling your glorious fro.

It teaches you a lot about yourself, and it shows you the world and yourself through its eyes. And you are richer for this.

Trust me; it is that deep.

The First Step

The first step in voluntary (and involuntary) Wokeness is to show up!

So at the end of the day, do not obsess about getting to that SL, APL, or MBL before you can enjoy your hair. Take time in between your journey to style it.

If you are so inclined, see what she likes and does not like. There are a host of amazing natural hairstyles that you can try, from Bantu knots to elegant Up dos.

Enjoy your Natural Hair Journey

Also, allowing yourself time to enjoy your hair at every phase of your natural hair journey ensures that you know what to do with it. This will translate to knowing what seasons and protective styles best suit your hair when it is tucked away.

It also helps you practice styling your hair. This is so you are not stuck with a head of MBL hair that you have no idea how to manipulate out of protective styling.

Equipped with these seven handy big chop tricks, your NHJ will be exciting.

Earn it, Embrace it, and Enjoy it!!!!!

Sound out in the comments below and share some of your most handy Big Chop tips. We would love to hear your comments below…


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