Natural Hair Care for Kids – with Dede

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Natural Hair Care for Kids – with Dede spotlights our young naturals and asks their Mamas for tips on how they care for their little one’s fros.

Q & A session with Dede

At Na Ha ZO, we are serious about natural hair care for children and believe that natural hair care should be a priority for your little one from a young age. Luckily something kids never need to worry about is thinning hair, as kids have amazing hair.


Profile: Deyo Pa Rwot Angelica Iculet

Age: 3 years, 3 months


1. How old is your little pumpkin?

She is three years and three months.

2. What is her hair texture?

She is a 4C natural.

3. What does wash day look like?

I use Cantu Care for Kids shampoo, and I always use a leave-in conditioner after a wash. I use the African Pride Moisture Miracle (Coconut Oil and Baobab Oil); until recently, homemade Aloe Vera leave-in conditioner!

4. Salon or Mama’s hands?

Strictly mama’s hands☺!

5. What is your little one’s hair regime?

Since she is very active, I usually wash her hair at least thrice weekly to remove any gunk that might have been built from sweat. Most times, I use a leave-in conditioner after the wash.

Because we live in a tropical country, it can get really hot, and the hair easily dries out, so I moisturise her hair with a homemade spritz- nothing hectic, water and olive oil – this I use together with a daily moisturiser.

6. What products do you use on her hair?

  • Cantu Care for Kids Shampoo.
  • African Pride Moisture Miracle Leave-in Cream.
  • Local Shea oil/ Cantu Moisturiser for kids as a moisturiser.

7. What is your go-to protective styling?

I plait her hair with cornrows (without extensions) all the time. I go crazy with different styles.

Editor – if you don’t know what protective styling is, read up on our 50 must-know natural hair care terms.  

8. How do you get your little one to cooperate when doing her hair?

When she was younger, I had to wait for her to sleep before doing her hair. Recently I discovered how invaluable Peppa Pig is to this exercise, and an hour’s worth of episodes usually gets the job done.

9. What word of advice do you have for other mums out there?

Maintaining your angel’s hair need not be a chore. There are great resources that can help you discover your daughter’s hair and will turn the crying spells into manageable ones.

Do some research and see what works for both of you. Try to keep your hair regimes as simple and practical as possible so you will not feel overwhelmed.

Finally, enjoy the journey!

(Besides, when she is rocking beautiful, luscious African hair, you can’t deny that feeling of pride!!)

Editor – do want to know more about how to properly care for Afro Textured Hair, including kids?

10. What is your natural hair advice to live by?

Our hair loves water, so moisturise and then some. Also, know your hair porosity. My little one has high porosity hair, so I keep her hair properly hydrated.

On the other hand, perhaps you need to find out if your child has low-porosity hair, or if your little one wants longer natural hair.



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