DIY Aloe Vera Leave-in Conditioner

DIY Aloe Vera Leave-in Conditioner

Making DIY Aloe Vera leave-in conditioner for natural hair is easy, cheap, and works wonders on your hair. This DIY product also ensures healthy growth by keeping your hair moisturised and nourished.

Aloe Vera has essential hair nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as fatty acids and amino acids that are essential for your hair growth.

Interested in knowing how to help your hair retain moisturised? Read up on the Five Hacks to Introduce Moisture into your Hair?

Preparation time

15 minutes

Benefits of Aloe Vera Leave-In Conditioner

Aloe Vera strengthens hair strands, thus playing a big role in the overall health and length of your hair. 


  • X 1/2 cup aloe vera juice
  • X3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Optional: Essential oil of your choice/glycerine.


  1. Pour the aloe vera juice into your preferred spray bottle.
  2. Add olive oil and your preferred essential oil to it.
  3. Shake thoroughly to make sure that the mixture mixes completely.

The leave-in conditioner is ready for use.


You can store the mixture in your fridge to help prolong its shelf life.

NaHaZo Tip

If your hair is sensitive to the acidity in aloe vera, you can dilute the aloe vera 1:1 with water so that it is not too acidic. Also, make sure you use it with caution and see how your hair reacts, as some naturals have complained of dry hair after using aloe vera juice for prolonged periods.

Additionally, in order to manage any dryness, you can add glycerine to the mixture. Glycerine acts as a humectant, and in this way helps maintain your hair’s moisture.

Bonus tip: A quick and easy hack to get the most out of using aloe vera as a leave-in conditioner is to check if you have low porosity or high porosity hair.

Depending on your porosity levels, you will need to employ different tactics to ensure longer moisture retention. 


Aloe Vera leave-in conditioner can be used on both your scalp, as well as along the shaft of your hair. It is also a great moisturiser, and can be used before applying oil to your hair in the LOC / LCO hair regime. 

Keen to make your own hair oil. Give our DIY Hibiscus Oil and DIY Onion Oil a try and let us know how your hair likes these oils. 

It can also work well in your pre-poo treatment. In addition, you can also use this mixture as a daily spritz during your protective styling period. 

Has your hair benefited from using aloe vera juice in your leave-in conditioning treatment? What combination of ingredients did you use? Share your experience in the comments section below.


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