DIY Clove water for hair
DIY Clove water for hair is an easy recipe to add to your monthly regime. Cloves have many benefits for hair growth and plays a big role in strengthening hair strands.
Why clove water is good for your hair?
- It helps reduce breakage and strengthens hair.
- It promotes a healthy scalp and can help minimize/get rid of dandruff, by improving scalp circulation.
- It helps to thicken hair and adds shine as well as luster to hair.
- It helps control excessive shedding.
Recommended for
Thickening hair, bald patches, and hair loss.
Negative effects of clove water on hair growth
- Clove water is very drying, so make sure you follow up the application with a proper moisturizing routine like an avocado and aloe vera hair mask.
- Do not use clove water every day, but rather alternate with a moisturizing treatment leave-in such as aloe vera spritz.
Preparation time
10 minutes
- X3 tablespoons of cloves
- X2 cups of water
- Strainer
- Put the cloves in a container, and then add the two cups of water.
- Let the mixture sit for a minimum of 12 hours. This will allow the nutrients to seep into the water. (Note that the longer the mixture sits, the more concentrated the clove water will be).
- Strain the water into an applicator bottle and discard the remaining cloves. It will then be ready for use.
You can store it outside as well as in the fridge.
- As a leave-in treatment, you can use it 3 times a week by directly spraying it onto your scalp and then sealing it using your preferred LOC/ LCO method. Concentrate on the edges and places where you have bald spots and you can wash your scalp bi-weekly.
- It can be used as a clove rinse, by drenching your scalp and strands, massaging it, and then covering it with a shower cap for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. You can then follow it up with a conditioning treatment.
- To get the most of the nutrients in cloves, you can follow up this hair spritz with clove oil, before sealing with a hair butter.
NaHaZo tip
Use a dark-colored applicator bottle, as it helps prolong your product’s shelf life. If you experience drying with clove oil, make sure you only apply it directly to your scalp or add coconut oil to your mixture to help minimize the drying effect.
Do a 2-month hair growth challenge of consistently using cloves. Wear your hair in a protective style and spray clove water on your hair 3 times a week, followed by a moisturizing routine.
If you are allergic to herbs, avoid using clove water in your routine.
Sound off on the comments as to all the ways clove water has been good (and not so good) for your hair.