Avocado and Tomato Salad: Recipe for Growth
Every anaemic knows that avocados and tomatoes are a go-to quick recipe for Iron uptake and hair growth.
This superfood is not only tasty, but contains both the Iron and Vitamin C needed to improve your overall hair health.
NaHaZo bring you our weekly iron-rich menu so that you do not have to worry about what iron rich foods to prepare.
Hair Food Feature: Avocado, Cucumber & Tomato Salad
Our Friday Iron food feature this week is Avocado.
Avocado has a lot of nutritional value that is great for your hair, skin and overall health. The fats in this superfood are also a brain booster, and so it is no-brainer to make this fruit a staple in your diet.
We unpack all things Avocado-
*Pssst, check out our extensive recipes containing 5 Foods Rich in Iron for Hair Growth.
1. What are the benefits of Avocado?
Avocado has a number of health benefits such as:-
🌺They contain antioxidants, which help with fighting environmental toxins;
🌺Avocados are rich in Vitamin C, which helps with the absorption of iron;
🌺The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in avocado help with regulation of heart health, as well as with maintaining a healthy brain; and
🌺Its high Vitamin E content which helps with overall hair and scalp health.
Speaking of scalp issues. Do you suffer from dandruff? Get your Dandruff and Natural Hair questions answered.
2. What is the recommended daily intake of Iron?
The recommended amount of Iron per day for women is 18mg.
However, this amount increases or decreases depending on the phase of life a woman is in. Women over 51 years only require 9mg per day, while pregnant women need to consume 27mg of Iron per day.
3. Ways to consume Avocado
Avocado can be consumed in 2 different ways.
You can: either-
- Eat it in a salad; or
- Add it to your smoothie for a creamy taste.
Want to feed your hair from the inside out? Try our DIY Moringa Butter and DIY Chebe Butter for thicker, healthier looking hair.
4. Tips to bear in mind when making this salad
When preparing this salad, you should:-
- Peel your cucumbers should they have waxy seeds or not be organic;
- Make sure you use a slightly firm avocado to prevent a mushy salad blend; and
- Cherry tomatoes are perfect for this salad as they add a pop of vibrant colour, but any other tomatoes will do.
5. Avocado, Cucumber & Tomato Recipe
- Avocado
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Cucumber
- Finely sliced red onions (optional)
- Finely chopped parsley
- Lemon juice
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Peel the cucumber and cut into even, bite sized pieces, and then set aside.
- Dice the avocado and tomatoes and add to the cucumber.
- Finely chop the parsley and sprinkle this over the salad.
- Add the lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Toss the salad gently, and yum, it is ready to eat.
Want to eat other iron rich foods? Try our Carrot & Beetroot Salad: Iron for Hair Growth recipe. Our Iron-rich Oats & Nuts Breakfast recipe is another iron-rich food to start your day.
This colourful salad makes for a vibrant side dish or a light meal.
To up your Iron content, you can serve this together with steak or fillet, and some jacket potatoes.
Have you tried this salad? What have you eaten it with? Do you have any tips on how to season it differently?
Let’s hear all about it in the comments.
Before you leave, snoop around and get the 411 on our April natural hair feature Health over Length with Christine and other lessons learnt in her 9 year natural hair journey.
As always, until the next time ladies, happy naturaling.