Making DIY Aloe Vera leave-in Conditioner is easy, cheap and allows you to hydrate your strands. Using this as a daily spritz will allow your hair to grow long and stong.
NaHaZo’s ultimate guide to braid hair care in 2024 is a handy guide for all things protective styling via braids and how you can care for and grow your hair to its maximum potential.
Winter can be harsh on your hair journey, especially if you are not familiar with the little regime tweaks that you can incorporate to add some more TLC into your hair.
Dry natural hair cares! And it will show you how much by breaking and snapping – especially in winter. However all is not lost. These four tips will allow you to have well hydrated hair all year round.
You can realise your length goals by exploring our natural’s guide to optimal hair growth in 2024. Short, to- the point and useful tips to get your hair past shoulder length!
The Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) is a length process that is great for introducing moisture into your hair. However, while it is a time-consuming process, the results are worth it!
There are many common home remedies for dandruff that can treat the condition at home, without having to break the bank. Cheap, effective and easy to use in the comfort of your home.
Bentonite Clay treatment is great for natural hair, is worth introducing into your hair regime. Are you a newbie natural or an old hand? Whichever the case, this treatment is a definite must-try!
Pregnancy is a beautiful period in a woman’s life. But while it helps bring life into the world, it can also take from you. Hair, that is. In clumps and strands and edges. But all is not lost.
Split ends can put a spanner in the works of any healthy natural hair journey. NaHaZo discusses how you can avoid losing your length, time and time again, because of poor natural hair practices.