3 Month Hair Growth Challenge – Rosemary Oil

3 Month Hair Growth Challenge – Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Oil Takes Center Stage in Our October 24′ Hair Challenge.

This month’s hair challenge is all about prioritizing scalp health and stimulating hair growth.

It’s the perfect way to wrap up the year and set the stage for a healthy hair journey in the new year. As someone recovering from a mild alopecia flare-up due to low iron levels, I am committed to nurturing my scalp.

I will be using Rosemary and Coffee growth oils to stimulate my hair follicles and support my hair growth goals.

Join me in this challenge and let’s work together to achieve healthier, stronger hair.

Let’s dive straight in. 

*Pssst, get the 411 on our recomended Top 4 Natural Hair Growth Oils every natural needs to try. 

Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil offers a range of hair benefits.

Rosemary Essential Oil made by Natural Hair Zone on a table

It stimulates hair growth, relieves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, and has been known to help prevent premature graying.

2. Duration of the Challenge

The duration of the Challenge is 3 months from 28 October 2024 – 28 January 2025.

3. Rules of the Challenge

The Rules of the Challenge are as follows:-

• Keep my hair in Protective Styling for 3 month;

• Spritz my hair daily with Rose water & glycerine hair spray;

• Massage Rosemary oil into my scalp three times a week for at least 5 minutes;

• Massage Coffee oil into my scalp two times a week for at least 5 minutes;

Coffee Essential Oil made by Natural Hair Zone on a table

• Eat Iron-rich foods to manage my Iron levels;

• Drink min 1,5l of water daily & spend time outdoors daily for my Vitamin D intake and 

• Take my Iron pill and other hair supplements.

Also during the challenge, I will use an ACV rinse on my scalp two times a month to clarify it and prevent any product build up.

4. The Rosemary Challenge Supporting Acts

In addition to applying Rosemary and Coffee oil to my hair, I will also apply a daily spritz of rose water and glycerine to my hair.

Rose water & Glycerine Hair Spritz

You can make the Rose Water Hair Spritz in the following way:-

1. Pour rose water into a hair spray bottle;
2. Add the glycerine to the bottle;
3. Shake to mix thoroughly.

The hair spritz is now ready for use.

5. Styling during the Challenge

My hair is currently styled in Marley Kinky Twist braids. I got them done on October 28th, after a deep conditioning treatment with molasses, olive oil, and yogurt.

Natural Hair in protective styling

My hair is all set and ready to grow!

What has your experience been using Rosemary oil? Please let us know in the comments. Also, are you keen to join me on the challenge or catch updates on my progress?

Until the next time, happy naturaling ladies!



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